»The nature can be without us«,
once a man said to me.
Nature will outlive mankind
in the same luster or rather
adapted to the hard conditions
we have left as polluters.
So how such plants might look like then.
An illustrative exploration.

patet pellis / Limpid Skin

locus maturis / Ripening Room

palm cepa bulbus / Onion Palme

apis falsus / Pseudo Stone

current caulis / Running Stems

digitus plant / Finger Plant

ventri caulis / Gastric Halm

giant repono / Tank Giant

nigrum somnum / Black Sleep

nubes aedificat / Puff-Up Cloud

salvos / Surviver

cactus cantus / Singing cactus
Archaeological perspective
Species plantarum: Patet Pellis / Limpid Skin: The vegetable skin is transparent, so that the little sunlight reaches every pore.
Species plantarum: lapis falsus / Pseudo Stone: Like a stone, the plant lies on the ground and pulls its delicate leaves out of the case when the hot sun is over.
Species plantarum: ventri caulis / Gastric Halm: The plant symbioses with bacteria that we normally find in mammals. A stomach system has developed within the plant. This provides the opportunity to metabolize a greater variety of nutrients.
Species plantarum: nubes aedificat / Puff-Up Cloud: In order to filter the few remaining nutrients, which are no longer present in the soil, the plant plumps up to 5m, there to let her silk threads drift in the wind.
Species plantarum: Patet Pellis / Limpid Skin: The vegetable skin is transparent, so that the little sunlight reaches every pore.
Species plantarum: lapis falsus / Pseudo Stone: Like a stone, the plant lies on the ground and pulls its delicate leaves out of the case when the hot sun is over.
Species plantarum: ventri caulis / Gastric Halm: The plant symbioses with bacteria that we normally find in mammals. A stomach system has developed within the plant. This provides the opportunity to metabolize a greater variety of nutrients.
Species plantarum: nubes aedificat / Puff-Up Cloud: In order to filter the few remaining nutrients, which are no longer present in the soil, the plant plumps up to 5m, there to let her silk threads drift in the wind.
Species plantarum: locus maturis / Ripening Room: The living conditions are threatening. Hardly any plant survives the first years. Therefore, this genus is completely formed in a shell.
Species plantarum: current caulis / Running Stems: Walking Plants connect to groups of 3 to facilitate progression through an asynchronous sequence of motion to explore better locations.
Species plantarum: giant repono / Tank Giant: Rubber trees are the dominant plant species. They store water of up to 1t and reach a size of 12m. Their soft surface is flexible and thus withstands the strongest storms. They do not train roots. Instead, they let themselves drift from the water.
Species plantarum: salvos / Surviver: The potato was able to develop back to its original shape and thus adapts to any type of soil.
Species plantarum: current caulis / Running Stems: Walking Plants connect to groups of 3 to facilitate progression through an asynchronous sequence of motion to explore better locations.
Species plantarum: giant repono / Tank Giant: Rubber trees are the dominant plant species. They store water of up to 1t and reach a size of 12m. Their soft surface is flexible and thus withstands the strongest storms. They do not train roots. Instead, they let themselves drift from the water.
Species plantarum: salvos / Surviver: The potato was able to develop back to its original shape and thus adapts to any type of soil.
Species plantarum: palm cepa bulbus / Onion Palme: The onion palm grows exclusively on the Alps. From there, she lets herself be carried by the wind between the peaks of the mountain with her single leaf, leaving behind a deafening scent.
Species plantarum: digitus plant / Finger Plant: The finger plant produces bubbles with spores. She is a cold-loving plant. The places are rare. Therefore, they are found in man-made copper mines.
Species plantarum: nigrum somnum / Black Sleep: When touched, the plant swells and fills its cells with black particles. Upon further contact, the ends burst and numb the passing animal with a poison. It falls to the ground and provides the plant with a source of potential minerals.
Species plantarum: cactus cantus / Singing cactus: The one-day cactus trains its flowers for a brief moment. During this time a melodic tone is created by the inner cell pressure. Birds are attracted and thus come in contact with the pollen.
Species plantarum: digitus plant / Finger Plant: The finger plant produces bubbles with spores. She is a cold-loving plant. The places are rare. Therefore, they are found in man-made copper mines.
Species plantarum: nigrum somnum / Black Sleep: When touched, the plant swells and fills its cells with black particles. Upon further contact, the ends burst and numb the passing animal with a poison. It falls to the ground and provides the plant with a source of potential minerals.
Species plantarum: cactus cantus / Singing cactus: The one-day cactus trains its flowers for a brief moment. During this time a melodic tone is created by the inner cell pressure. Birds are attracted and thus come in contact with the pollen.